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149 bytes removed, 21:48, 16 November 2009
Technology approach / CMS & CRM
The emphasis for Phase One is RAPID prototyping and implementation; we want to prioritize speed over perfection. The goal is to get to a point quickly where we can model fleshed out feature projects that show people the kinds of ideas Drumbeat is interested in, and then effectively crowd-source great new project ideas to get into the pipeline. Doing this in a fast, usable way is more important than building a perfect site. Phase Two will be more robust and public-facing, with a greater emphasis on graphic design, scalability, a more robust back-end CMS, etc.
==Technology approach / CMS & CRM==Our latest thinking is that The phase one web site will be built on a Drupal / CiviCRM platform. Where possible, we may want 'd like to re-purpose an EXISTING Mozilla-led leverage some existing Drupal and CiviCRM install as Drumbeat's back-end platformwork already completed for another Mozilla project, "", as a way to speed implementation and leverage more CRM muscle quickly. The new "nascent" site is still at the bug-fixing stage, but is now on a stable staging platform. The "Groups" block will map to Drumbeat's "Projects" stream. here:
Our goal is to give the Drumbeat site its own unique look and feel, ideally using our own theme and front-end page designs (see early iterations below).
'''We need advice on the best way to tackle this.''' We need two sites that are similar in functionality and that share a CiviCRM back end. Are two installs needed? What's sustainable and secure? What's the best approach?

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