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Thunderbird/Release Driving/Flags

168 bytes added, 11:34, 26 November 2009
* wanted - This bug was is considered "wanted" on on the Thunderbird 3.0 branch and may or may not block (see the blocking-thunderbird3.0 flag).
* .1-fixed - This bug was fixed on the Thunderbird 3.0 branch in advance for the Thunderbird 3.0.1 maintenance release.
* .2-fixed - This bug was fixed on the Thunderbird 3.0 branch in advance for the Thunderbird 3.0.2 maintenance release.
* etc... (more values will be added as needed).
Values may be set by any user with "canconfirm" privileges, with the exception of the "wanted" value, which may only be set by the [[Thunderbird/Release_Driving|thunderbird-drivers]] group.
Canmove, confirm, emeritus

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