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8 bytes added, 22:01, 10 February 2010
This week's top priorities:
** Matt + any volunteers?
[[Drumbeat/websiteWebsite/Install|Get our open source site plan in place]]
* Gerv has taken a first draft on documentation for how developers can download and install. Paul and Mike are reviewing it now for edits & updates.
** Mike, Paul & Gerv
[[Drumbeat/website/feature_boxes|Design front-page feature boxes]]
* Ned will deliver a first pass on this for Feb 11
** Ned
Get community help with QA
* Enter [[[[Drumbeat/website/bugs_for_bugzillaEnter_into_bugzilla|these existing bugs]] into [ Bugzilla] (thanks Carlo & Nedfor finding these)'''
* Look for other bugs on the [ staging site] and file them into [ Bugzilla].
** Volunteers?
[[Drumbeat/website/feature_boxes|Design front-page feature boxes]]
* Ned has offered to deliver a first pass on this for Feb 11
** Ned
[[Drumbeat/website/blog_planet|Decide on a plan for adding "planet-style" blog functionality]]

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