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424 bytes removed, 22:18, 20 February 2010
This week's priorities:
=This week's priorities:=
[[Drumbeat/website/populate_contentProject_page_tweak|Populate Help make this urgent tweak to the staging site with real contentproject pages]]* The current staging site is full of test & placeholder Before we move ahead with asking project leads to add more content. We , we urgently need to transfer content from our Wiki over into make this small change to the new site, and in some cases edit and massage copyproject pages.** Matt + any volunteers?
[[Drumbeat/Websitewebsite/Installpopulate_content|Get our open source site plan in placeHelp flesh out the project pages]]* Gerv has taken a first draft on documentation We have "project stubs" up for how developers can download and installmost of the projects. Paul and Mike are reviewing it But now for edits & updateswe need to add more content that already exists on the wiki or elsewhere. ** Mike, Paul & GervMatt + Mark + more volunteers needed
Help us find and squash bugs!* Look for bugs on the [ staging site] and file them into [Drumbeathttps:/website/feature_boxes|Design front-page feature boxes] Bugzilla]. * Ned will deliver a first pass on this for Feb 11** NedHelp us fix the bugs.
Get community help with QA* Enter [[Drumbeat/website/Enter_into_bugzilla|these existing bugs]] into [ Bugzilla] (thanks Help Carlo & Ned for finding these)'''* Look for other bugs on the [ staging site] and file them into [ Bugzilla]. ** Volunteers?plan our database versioning strategy
* You might want to look at [ drupal database "issue"] to see if this is already addressed or not.
[[Drumbeat/website/blog_planet|Decide on a plan for adding Help add "planet-style" blog functionality]]** Mark has a proposal here. Matt to update. Get web dev mailing list running** [ Bug] has been filed. Awaiting completion. *** Gerv
Help set-up & manage Drumbeat's social media channels
* Carlo is helping to lead this effort and presenting on it Monday.
* We need to co-ordinate this with Paul & Jamey's work on and the new [ Drumbeat account] there
** Discuss Carlo what are our next steps in Monday's callhere? Create a list of accounts that need setting up? Create a Google docs spreadsheet with list of accounts & log-ins?

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