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Labs/Ubiquity/Commands In The Wild

450 bytes removed, 16:42, 14 April 2010
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= Web Search =
*OneLook Reverse Lookup -
== Real-time Search ==
*Scoopler, spezify, stinkyteddy and exalead commands -
== Site-specific Search ==
*Zipzoomfly -
*Zootool -
*OneLook Reverse Lookup -
*Scoopler, spezify, stinkyteddy and exalead commands -
*[ amazon-locale]: Perform a 'Blended' search on Amazon Germany, UK, USA, Japan or Canada.
*[]: 2 commands:
**shop - Executes a shopping search with visual similarity and shopping compariosn - []
**picitup - Executes a visual search query agianst, Yahoo, Flikcr and Picasa image search engines []
*[ multi-search]: Searches Google, Yahoo, MSN Live and simultaneously, in different tabs.
== Web Lookup ==
*[ lmgtfy]: create a link to a (not so?) subtle suggestion for someone who asks you, via a computer, about something that Google might be able to answer. Courtesy of [[]]. The [ old pre-0.5 version] is deprecated.
== Picitup Visual Search ==
[]: 2 commands:
*shop - Executes a shopping search with visual similarity and shopping compariosn - []
*picitup - Executes a visual search query agianst, Yahoo, Flikcr and Picasa image search engines []
== Multiple site search ==
*[ multi-search]: Searches Google, Yahoo, MSN Live and simultaneously, in different tabs.
== Law ==
*[ legal-cite]: Executes search of AltLaw for U.S. Code (federal statutes) and some federal case law (i.e., Supreme Court Opinions and federal appeals court opinions that were reported by West)
== Torrent Search ==
*[ pronounce]: Pronounce a selected or typed English word
= Maps =
*[ osm]: Search for a location and find the OpenStreetMap map of the area.
*[]: Search and preview locations on OpenStreetMap.
= Internet Radio =
*[ What is being played on Radio Paradise? (rp)] - Displays the artist and name of the song that Radio Paradise is playing right now.<br>
*[ Last.FM Radio Starter] - Starts the similar artists radio station for whatever artist you punch in. (works now with 0.5+ ) - original command by Matthew Garrett[ .]
*[ Grooveshark] 2.0 search
== Web History ==
Search your places history and bookmarks db with ubiquity:
*[] For ubiquity v0.5+
*[] For ubiquity versions before 0.5
= Website manipulation =
*[ BBC iPlayer]: Watch or listen to recent programmes on BBC iPlayer
== Multiple Countries US ==
*[ amazonlegal-localecite]: Perform a 'Blended' Executes search on Amazon Germany, UK, USAof AltLaw for U.S. Code (federal statutes) and some federal case law (i.e., Japan or Canada.Supreme Court Opinions and federal appeals court opinions that were reported by West)
= URL Tools lookup =
*goto: Simply navigate to any URL -
*[ Url encode/decode] - change a string back and forth from 'percent encoding'
== *[ Mac] search for manifacturer with last octet of mac ==adress
https*[http://wikiarunstechcorner.mozillablogspot.orgcom/Mac search for manifacturer 2009/02/shorten-urls-in-ubiquity-with last octet of mac adress -isgd.html] Shorten and replace the selected URL with service. The shortened URL is also copied to the clipboard
== is*[ Inlinks] Find the number of external inlinks to a provided url ( only).gd ==
*[ is.gdlinks] Shorten Parses selected text and replace the selected URL replaces any URLs found with isHTML serviceRecognises most common protocols, even creates mailto: links for email addresses. The shortened URL is also copied to Now works with the clipboard new parser in 0.5 synonyms: links, parse links, urls, url
*[ Inlinks ==builtwith BuiltWith] Find out what technologies the URL is using.
*[] opens URLs and sends emails to addresses not marked up as HTML links with the A tag.cfm Inlinks] Find This is the number Ubiquity version of external inlinks to a provided url (yahoothe [ only)org/en-US/firefox/addon/6003 Text2Link Firefox Extension].
== Links ==*[ rss commander] - A nice and quick way to browse RSS feeds by typing in a domain.
synonyms*[http: links// ping] - Pings a host a certain amount of times and displays a notification for each success or failure. *Allows you to check the Google PageRank of the current or any other page. [ page-rank]  = ShortURL = *Shorten a URL using sm00sh. It uses Bad Behavior and SURBL and URIBL to reduce spam in the database. Simply navigate to [ sm00sh] to install using firefox. Use the command "sm00sh"  *[ shorturl]: Replaces the selected URL with a [ Rev-Canonicalized] URL of less than 44 characters or else a [ TinyUrl]. *[ u] Shorten and replace the selected URL using the urlShort service at The shortened URL is also copied to the clipboard.  *Shortens and replaces the selected URL using [ SAPO PunyURL], copying the new URL to the clipboard. []  *Shortes and replaces the selected URL using [ Cligs], parse linksand copies the short URL to the clipboard. []  *Shorten a URL using hurl. Simply navigate to [] to install using firefox. Use the command "hurl"  *Use to convert any section of text into a URL so you can then send this link via IM, urlsTwitter, url email? Can send very large peices of text. Use the command "longreply". To install it []
*The all in one URL shortner: [ linksverbs.php vunite's commands] Parses selected text and replaces any URLs found with HTML links. Recognises most common protocols, even creates mailtoUsage: links for email addresses. Now works with the new parser in 0.5 shorten [url] using [tinyurl|isgd|bitly|hurl|snipurl]
== BuiltWith ==*A new [ kissalt, url shortening service], kissalt means "shorten" in Turkish (original word: kisalt)
*Inspired by 'tinyurl' and works in a similar way but uses [http://bjarkiu.infonu] Old API: [http:/misc/ BuiltWithunu/] Find out what technologies the URL is usingNew API: [http://gist.]
== Text2Link ==*[ Lincr ] is a URL shortening service. The [ homepage] also shows a list of recently Lincr'd URLs and a RSS feed of the same.
*[ Text2Link66647 epoxy] opens URLs is a Code-Snippet to URL service and sends emails to addresses not marked up as HTML links with the A tag. This is the Ubiquity version of the uses [https] to perform its function. More information can be found at [ Text2Link Firefox Extensionepoxy homepage].
== ==
*Shorten and replace selected URL in a Rich Text Field or reverse an already shortened URL:
*[ for 0.5] - '''Works with Ubiquity 0.5''' Shortens and replaces a URL using and copies the shortened URL to the clipboard.
== RSS Commander ==
*[ rss commander] - A nice and quick way to browse RSS feeds by typing in a domain.
== ping ==
*[ ping] - Pings a host a certain amount of times and displays a notification for each success or failure.
== sm00sh ==
Shorten a URL using sm00sh. It uses Bad Behavior and SURBL and URIBL to reduce spam in the database. Simply navigate to [ sm00sh] to install using firefox. Use the command "sm00sh"
== places ==
Search your places history and bookmarks db with ubiquity:
*[] For ubiquity v0.5+
*[] For ubiquity versions before 0.5
= ShortURL =
*[ shorturl]: Replaces the selected URL with a [ Rev-Canonicalized] URL of less than 44 characters or else a [ TinyUrl].
== LongURL ==
[ trim] Inspired by 'tinyurl' and works in a similar way but uses
== ==
Shorten a URL using hurl. Simply navigate to [] to install using firefox. Use the command "hurl"
== ==
Use to convert any section of text into a URL so you can then send this link via IM, Twitter, email? Can send very large peices of text. Use the command "longreply". To install it []
== shorten ==
The all in one URL shortner: [ vunite's commands] Usage: shorten [url] using [tinyurl|isgd|bitly|hurl|snipurl]
== ==
A new [ kissalt, url shortening service], kissalt means "shorten" in Turkish (original word: kisalt)
== ==
Inspired by 'tinyurl' and works in a similar way but uses [] Old API: []
New API: []
== lincr ==
[ Lincr ] is a URL shortening service. The [ homepage] also shows a list of recently Lincr'd URLs and a RSS feed of the same.
== epoxy ==
[ epoxy] is a Code-Snippet to URL service and uses [ OpenPaste] to perform its function. More information can be found at [ epoxy homepage]
== PageRank Determination ==
Allows you to check the Google PageRank of the current or any other page. [ page-rank]
== urlShort ( ==
[ u] Shorten and replace the selected URL using the urlShort service at The shortened URL is also copied to the clipboard.
== PunyURL ==
Shortens and replaces the selected URL using [ SAPO PunyURL], copying the new URL to the clipboard. []
== Cligs ==
Shortes and replaces the selected URL using [ Cligs], and copies the short URL to the clipboard. []
== Other URL manipulation ==
[ call] - Calls any selected 10-digit number (or enter on command line)
== Internet Radio ==
*[ What is being played on Radio Paradise? (rp)] - Displays the artist and name of the song that Radio Paradise is playing right now.<br>
*[ Last.FM Radio Starter] - Starts the similar artists radio station for whatever artist you punch in. (works now with 0.5+ ) - original command by Matthew Garrett[ .]
*[ Grooveshark] 2.0 search
== GTD ==
[ KeepVid]: Download any YouTube Video straight from Ubiquity via KeepVid!
== OpenStreetMap ==
[ osm]: Search for a location and find the OpenStreetMap map of the area.
[]: Search and preview locations on OpenStreetMap.
= Firefox Extension Integrations =

Navigation menu