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923 bytes added, 17:30, 8 June 2010
Notices / Schedule
= Notices / Schedule =
*'''Firefox 3.6.4'''
** Unable to set a schedule in stone due to lack of information (see blocker section)
** Will turn off OOPP and ship if there is an active exploit for a security bug that is fixed in the update
*'''Firefox 3.5.10'''
** Decided to keep tied to 3.6.4 to make Linux vendor's lives easier
*** Argument for decoupling decision was made based on potential issues, whereas the negative effects on Linux vendors are known and quantifiable
* '''Firefox 3.6.6'''
** was used by Fennec, so next platform version is We will keep the version #'s coherent by naming it Firefox 3.6.6
** If we need a chemspill for 3.6.4, this will be off the 3.6.4 relbranch
** If no chemspill, planning early-to mid july, making sure to have this out before BlackHat in late July
** I will be moving the blocking flags and status flags as appropriate
** If you have approvals for they are now for
= Blocker Report =
Canmove, confirm

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