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49 bytes removed, 02:09, 22 September 2010
CSS3 UI: more CSS3 vs 4 UI sorting
** write test cases for 'ellipsis' and 'clip' (default value) and confirm cross-browser support.
* consider adding '''overflow-radius''' per implementation(s)
** Mozilla supports [ -moz-outline-radius]
** no second implementation however - thus consider for CSS4 UI instead
* document claims of existing implementations (CSSWG implementers have until 2010-09-17 to submit claims of implementation)
* edit CSS3-UI CR draft accordingly that is ready for PR
* WG processes for taking it to PR
* draft CSS3.1-UI/CSS4-UI WD with features that we want but didn't make into CSS3-UI
** previous CSS3-UI features that got dropped above
** other CSS features that are UI related in other CSS or other W3C specs
*** :placeholder pseudo-class. related: [ bug 457801]
*** '''overflow-radius''' per implementation: Mozilla supports [ -moz-outline-radius] (no second implementation however - thus in CSS4 UI)
*** CSS3 Hyperlink
*** [[HTML5]] inputs/forms features that are presentation related
Canmove, confirm

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