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542 bytes added, 05:22, 1 November 2010
CSS4 UI: new 'resize' values - e.g. 'grow-vertical', 'grow-horizontal', per suggestion from Asa.
** new features
*** CSS portions of [[Gecko:FullScreenAPI]], e.g. the new pseudo-classes
*** new 'resize' values - e.g. 'grow-vertical', 'grow-horizontal'
**** Facebook uses some JS to add rows to text areas when you hit the end of the available space. It feels nicer than a scrollbar because you can see all of what you typed -- the height of the text area just grows and grows as you need it. It would be great to have 'resize' property values that allow the browser to auto-grow a textarea as a user enters data, e.g. 'grow-horizontal', 'grow-vertical'. 'grow-vertical' would emulate the current behavior that FB does with JS.
Remaining related Firefox bugs/development tasks (stub/incomplete)
Canmove, confirm

Navigation menu