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User talk:Standard8

1,260 bytes added, 08:03, 24 May 2006
Thoughts about linking views to searches: Add what really happens
# The user selects an ab or enters some search parameters
# The view is initialised creating a reference to an appropriate nsIAbDirectory# An nsIAbView receives Enumerates the cards, which calls nsIAbDirectory->GetChildCards#* Unimplemented in nsAbDirProperties#* nsAbMDBDirectory and nsAbOutlookDirectory find the details cards and return them straight away#* nsAbLDAPDirectory if offline returns cards straight away#* nsAbLDAPDirectory if online calls StartSearch and passes returns with no items.# the nsIAbView then adds any returned cards to the view's result list. If an ldap online search then:# StartSearch sets up the appropriate search parameters # Creates a nsIAbDirectoryQueryResultListener to handle the search results# Calls nsAbLDAPDirectoryQuery::DoQuery which sets up the listeners and kicks off the connection.# (then wait for the results)# As the results are returned, nsAbQueryLDAPMessageListener::OnLDAPMessage handles them.# They will eventually turn up in nsAbDirSearchListener::OnQueryItem# followed by nsAbLDAPDirectory::OnSearchFoundCard#* nsAbLDAPDirectory::OnSearchFoundCard doesn't know about searches and views#* Notifies the nsIAddrBookSession that something has been added to the directory.#* All nsIAbView items that are connected to that directory will then pick up the notification of something added and add it to ???thier view#* This is wrong and causes bugs.
== Card Pane View ==
Canmove, confirm, emeritus

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