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Thunderbird/Active Branches

94 bytes added, 09:44, 16 November 2010
no edit summary
| Trunk || The main development branch. Virtually all patches must land here first. || Shredder || 3.3x || 2.0x || comm-central || mozilla-central || Alphas from here will be code named Miramar. When this is branched, the new nightlies will also be code named Miramar.
| 3.1 || Last major release, now in security & stability cycles || [ Lanikai ] || 3.1x || 1.9.2x || comm-1.9.2 || mozilla-1.9.2 ||
| 3.0 || Previous major release, now in security & stability cycles || Shredder || 3.0.x || 1.9.1x || comm-1.9.1 || mozilla-1.9.1 || End of life scheduled for December, will be shut down soon after.
Canmove, confirm, emeritus

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