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1,979 bytes added, 06:46, 29 November 2010
add summary status section at top, updating some statuses, css style attributes
I'm currently (as of 2010-146) a Mozilla contractor working with Chris Blizzard and the web [[standards]] team, focused on specification work, especially around web applications user interfaces and social/identity open web technologies. I participate in standards related [[events]] for both official organizations like W3C, and grass-roots efforts like microformats and ActivityStreams. If you have feedback for these groups, let me know!
In particularSpecifications, efforts and summary status:* CSS** [[Tantek-Mozilla-projects#CSS_Style_Attributes|CSS Style Attributes]]: Achieved Candidate Recommendation (CR). Possible next steps, test cases/suite to help exit CR.** [[Tantek-Mozilla-projects#CSS3_Color|CSS3 Color]]: Achieved Proposed Recommendation (PR). Awaiting CSS 2.1 to reach PR.** [[Tantek-Mozilla-projects#CSS3_UI|CSS3 UI]]: editing CR toward producing a new LCWD.** [[Tantek-Mozilla-projects#UI_Layout|CSS UI Layout: Flex Box and Grid]]: Discussing differences and use cases with dbaron, and how to best design/define both for the benefit of web designers.** [[Tantek-Mozilla-projects#CSS3_Element|CSS3 Element]]: decide which draft to get it into (separate draft, Values and Units) and update draft accordingly.** [[Tantek-Mozilla-projects#CSS4_UI|CSS4 UI]]: collecting ideas, features, proposals towards writing a FPWD.** [[Tantek-Mozilla-projects#CSS4_Color|CSS4 Color]]: collecting ideas, features, proposals towards writing a FPWD.* [[Tantek-Mozilla-projects#HTML5_spec_improvements|HTML5]]: follow-up on rejected/accepted spec improvement suggestions, figuring out next-steps for anything rejected* [[vCard4]]: awaiting new draft, updating critique of draft 13 with respective vcardddav email thread links, with follow-ups as needed.* [[Tantek-Mozilla-projects#DOM_API_vendor_prefixing|DOM API vendor prefixing]]: discussing internally at Mozilla to build consensus, set a good example. See below for more details on each.
== Web Apps ==
** signature - no HTML5 equivalent
** password - <code>&lt;input type="password"&gt;</code>
==== CSS Style Attributes ====
;latest published draft (CR)
;latest development / in progress draft
;spec source (for editing)
;test suite
;implementation reports of the test suite
;issues list for the current draft
===== remaining tasks =====
* email Hixie to update reference to CSS Style Attributes draft in [ HTML5 References]
See also CSSWG wiki task list:
==== CSS3 UI ====
** write new CSS3 UI LCWD editors draft with only non-at-risk features based on above implementation evidence (or imminent implementation - kept at risk)
** write new UI Selectors FPWD editors draft with all new UI selectors (consider limiting to those with at least one implementation, any with less than 2 implementations, mark at risk up front)
** write CSS4 UI FPWD with:
*** stuff from CSS3 UI that only had one implementation (that we believe is worthy of standardizing, or at least one other implementer expresses interest on)
*** forward reaching properties/values to enable native-like interfaces
* collect/address new CSS3 UI LCWD issues as they are reported
** respond to all the commenters on issues with proposed resolutions (hopefully thus addressing their concerns and resolving the issues accordingly)
* WG processes for taking it to PR
* draft CSS4-UI WD with features that we want but didn't make into CSS3-UI
** previous CSS3-UI features that got dropped above
** other CSS features that are UI related in other CSS or other W3C specs
*** :placeholder pseudo-class. related: [ bug 457801]
*** '''overflow-radius''' per implementation: Mozilla supports [ -moz-outline-radius] (no second implementation however - thus in CSS4 UI)
*** CSS3 Hyperlink
*** [[HTML5]] inputs/forms features that are presentation related
** new features
*** CSS portions of [[Gecko:FullScreenAPI]], e.g. the new pseudo-classes
*** new 'resize' values - e.g. 'grow-vertical', 'grow-horizontal'
**** Facebook uses some JS to add rows to text areas when you hit the end of the available space. It feels nicer than a scrollbar because you can see all of what you typed -- the height of the text area just grows and grows as you need it. It would be great to have 'resize' property values that allow the browser to auto-grow a textarea as a user enters data, e.g. 'grow-horizontal', 'grow-vertical'. 'grow-vertical' would emulate the current behavior that FB does with JS.
Remaining related Firefox bugs/development tasks (stub/incomplete)
* [ -moz-user-focus]
==== CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders ====
Outstanding UI related issues:
===== prefix removal from -moz-border-radius =CSS4 UI ==== Currently Mozilla's border-radius properties are prefixed * write CSS4 UI FPWD with -moz- and the following bugs/issues are preventing us from removing the prefix:** previous CSS3-UI features that got dropped* '''% values on border-radius.''' There is existing content ** stuff from CSS3 UI that only had one implementation (themes?) that depend on the legacy moz-border-radius implementation we believe is worthy of % values that depend standardizing, or at least one other implementer expresses interest on the % of )*width* other CSS features that are UI related in both dimensions.other CSS or other W3C specs* '''clipping overflow and replaced elements.''' We don't currently clip overflow hidden and replaced elements (e** :placeholder pseudo-class.g. img, video, canvas) to rounded corners. We need to do to this for a proper/complete implementation that won't risk creating further legacy/backward compat problems. Bugzilla bugsrelated:* [ 431176457801 bug 457801] - (border*** '''overflow-radius) Tracking bug for remaining issues with CSS3 border-radius*''' per implementation: Mozilla supports [ 451134] en/CSS/-moz-outline- change radius -moz-borderoutline-radius] (no second implementation however - thus in CSS4 UI)*** CSS3 Hyperlink*** [[HTML5]] inputs/forms features that are presentation related** new features*** CSS portions of [[Gecko:FullScreenAPI]], e.g. the new pseudo-classes*** new 'resize' values - e.g. 'grow-vertical', 'grow-horizontal'**** Facebook uses some JS to add rows to text areas when you hit the end of the available space. It feels nicer than a scrollbar because you can see all of what you typed -- the height of the text area just grows and grows as you need it. It would be great to have 'resize' property values that allow the browser to auto-grow a textarea as a user enters data, e.g. 'grow-horizontal', 'grow-vertical'. 'grow-vertical' would emulate the current behavior that FB does with JS.** forward reaching properties /values to css3enable native-background nameslike interfaces
==== CSS3 Element ====
*** 2010-155 briefly spoke with Tab about flex box in irc and noted that I'm working on css3-color and css3-ui first.
== Web Apps Waiting For ==
Tasks which are awaiting follow-ups from various standards bodies/lists. Reping as necessary to keep moving forward.
=== CSS Style Attribute CR ===
* 2010-256 waiting for Bert to schedule telcon with W3C director to take [ CSS Style Attribute] to CR
* waiting for telcon with W3C director, which will set publication date
* edit draft accordingly, update CR exit date to 3 months after publication date
* wait for publication date
* email Hixie to update reference to CSS Style Attributes draft in [ HTML5 References]
See CSSWG wiki task list:
=== HTML5 spec improvements ===
Most of this has been moved to [[HTML5#spec_issues|HTML5: spec issues]].
Next: follow-up on each, determining next steps on rejected proposals.
==== waiting for HTML5 improvements ====
==== lower priority improvements ====
* <code>&lt;meter&gt;</code> - poorly named. would prefer something like "gauge" but that's potentially hard(er) to spell. this is a bit bikesheddy though so not a high priority.
== Web Apps Waiting For ==
Tasks which are awaiting follow-ups from various standards bodies/lists. Reping as necessary to keep moving forward.
=== CSS Waiting For ===
==== CSS3 Backgrounds and Borders ====
Waiting for CR of
And then: outstanding UI related issues:
===== prefix removal from -moz-border-radius =====
Currently Mozilla's border-radius properties are prefixed with -moz- and the following bugs/issues are preventing us from removing the prefix:
* '''% values on border-radius.''' There is existing content (themes?) that depend on the legacy moz-border-radius implementation of % values that depend on the % of *width* in both dimensions.
* '''clipping overflow and replaced elements.''' We don't currently clip overflow hidden and replaced elements (e.g. img, video, canvas) to rounded corners. We need to do to this for a proper/complete implementation that won't risk creating further legacy/backward compat problems.
Bugzilla bugs:
* [ 431176] - (border-radius) Tracking bug for remaining issues with CSS3 border-radius
*[ 451134] - change -moz-border-radius* properties to css3-background names
== Social and Identity ==
* moved to [[HTML5/del#datetime_should_take_date|HTML5/del]].
==== CSS3 CSS ====
===== CSS Style Attributes =====
* CSS Style Attributes - achieved CR !;latest published draft prepared (awaiting publication dateCR):;latest development / in progress draft:;spec source (for editing):;test suite:TBD;implementation reports of the test suite:TBD;issues list for the current draft:
===== CSS3 Color =====
Canmove, confirm

Navigation menu