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228 bytes added, 04:43, 15 December 2010
vCard4 updates, HTML5 figure auto-close p problem
** [[Tantek-Mozilla-projects#CSS4_Color|CSS4 Color]]: collecting ideas, features, proposals towards writing a FPWD.
* [[Tantek-Mozilla-projects#HTML5_spec_improvements|HTML5]]: follow-up on rejected/accepted spec improvement suggestions, figuring out next-steps for anything rejected
* [[vCard4]]: review draft 15delta, check which of critiques of draft 13 were incorporated, email vcarddav accordingly, review draft 15 thoroughly, check for vcardddav email thread links for othersunresolved issues and document them here, with email follow-ups as needed.* [[HTML5]]: figure auto-close p issue. awaiting feedback from HTML5 Superfriends... then blog or email public-html about it.
* [[Tantek-Mozilla-projects#DOM_API_vendor_prefixing|DOM API vendor prefixing]]: discussing internally at Mozilla to build consensus, set a good example.
Canmove, confirm

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