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134 bytes added, 02:12, 13 January 2011
note next steps on CSS3-UI. made some edits to the editor's draft and pushed it out.
** [[Tantek-Mozilla-projects#CSS3_Color|CSS3 Color]]: Achieved Proposed Recommendation (PR). Awaiting CSS 2.1 to reach PR.
** [[Tantek-Mozilla-projects#CSS3_UI|CSS3 UI]]: editing CR toward producing a new LCWD.
*** process www-style etc. emails 2010-12 and later and collect into [|issues list].
** [[Tantek-Mozilla-projects#UI_Layout|CSS UI Layout: Flex Box and Grid]]: Discussing differences and use cases with dbaron, and how to best design/define both for the benefit of web designers.
** [[Tantek-Mozilla-projects#CSS3_Element|CSS3 Element]]: decide which draft to get it into (separate draft, Values and Units) and update draft accordingly.
Canmove, confirm

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