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162 bytes added, 06:57, 26 January 2011
text-overflow: noted some more text-overflow ellipsis details
** Details that [ RoC wants]:
*** What style the ellipsis has (font, color, etc) ... does it come from the text or does it come from the element with text-overflow on it?
**** from the element with text-overflow on it, this is what WebKit and Opera do
**** need test case to see what Webkit, IE, Opera do
**** first thought: comes from the text that is ellipsed.
*** does text-overflow inherit by default or not?
**** Inherited: no
**** text-align does not affect text-overflow
*** how does it work with bidi text, e.g. a line of Hebrew?
**** it works in is rendered according to the inline-flow 'direction' of the element.*** What about mixed bidi text e.g. English followed by Hebrew? Can bidi text make the ellipsis appear at the beginning of the line? I'm particuarly interested in the case of an LTR word followed by an RTL word that doesn't fit, e.g. <pre>english WERBEH</pre>where only "english HEB" fits, where should the ellipsis go?**** "english …BEHBEH…" presumably*** Can bidi text make the ellipsis appear at the beginning of the line? **** bidi text? no. howevrer, setting 'direction:rtl' on the element will cause any ellipses to be drawn on the left side.
*** what happens if there's replaced content near the end of the line, say an image?
**** the image would wrap to the next line. but if there is white-space:nowrap, then...
Canmove, confirm

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