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127 bytes added, 19:06, 12 February 2011
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{{Admon/important | Draft | This is a draft outline of an upcoming program. Edit furiously! }}
ReMo is the code name for the '''Mozilla Representatatives Representatives Program''', a program that aims to recruit and support volunteer Mozillians who want to be “official” Mozilla representatives in their region/locale.
== Purpose ==
A Mozilla Rep will have the following responsibilities:
* '''represent ''' Mozilla in their region and have a clear understanding of Mozilla in her/his local tech/social/cultural context* '''promote ''' the Mozilla Project and our mission* '''build ''' on existing contributor-building efforts and programs* '''inspire''', '''recruit ''' and '''support ''' new contributors* '''mentor ''' future Mozilla Reps
== Anti-Purpose ==
Here are some things ReMo specificly aims '''NOT ''' to do :
* replace or undermine efforts by existing communities of Mozilla volunteers around the world to recruit new contributors
== Who can be a Mozilla Rep? ==
Anyone who is passionate about Mozilla Project and who is very knowledgeable of the Mozilla organization, its mission and its products.:
* '''passionate''' about Mozilla Project * '''knowledgeable''' of the Mozilla organization, its mission and its products* '''willing''' to communicate all those, to as many people as possible == Use Cases and User Taks Tasks ==
A list of most common use cases and user tasks for ReMo:
Canmove, confirm, emeritus

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