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1,082 bytes removed, 19:41, 12 February 2011
restructure and notes warnings added
* '''willing''' to communicate all those, to as many people as possible
== ReMo Website == In order to accommodate the needs of this program, infrastructure and outreach website is needed. More info on [[ReMo/Website|Website planning page]] === Use Cases and User Tasks ===
A list of most common use cases and user tasks for ReMo:
* mentor recent Mozilla Reps and monitor their progress
=== Administrator Tasks === Everything a Mozilla Rep does plus... * Edit static sections of the ReMo website* Delete profile ''(at user request only)'' == ReMo Website == PIERROS PLEASE ADD === Infrastructure Requirements === * Accounting (owners: William{{Admon/Pierros)** highly unlikely to be able to use existing ldap ** using existing bugzilla or mediawiki accounts too complicated to integrate in future Mozilla Phonebook*** best option is to create a *new* ldap account system which will first be implemented in a ReMo prototype platform * Editable Contents (owner: William/Pierros)** copy and graphics/images for all pages  * Ticketing System (owner: Pierros)** Trac-based system to help operate and track swag, budget, sponsorship and reimbursement requests * Calendar functions (owner: Pierros)** 3 core functions: adding events, viewing events and federating events*** adding: can be done with Mozilla wiki*** viewing: can be done with Mozilla wiki*** federating: can possibly be done with Mozilla Wiki * Customization of Materials (owner: William)** creation of materials that Mozilla Reps will personnalise, customize and produce locally** business cards: adapt existing business card production system used internaly at Mozilla === Implementation === PIERROS PLEASE ADDnote | Note | Please add more usage scenarios!}}
=== Schedule ===
The aim is to have 25 ReMo test-pilots (all veteran Mozilla contributors) signed up to test the platform by end of Q1 2011 and have ReMo officially some time in Q2 2011
The detailed timeline and status of project components can be found at[[ReMo/Phase_1_Plan|Phase 1 Plan]]
== Resources ==
Canmove, confirm, emeritus

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