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643 bytes added, 18:26, 16 August 2006
Gecko 1.9 Roundtable
= Gecko 1.9 Roundtable =
* Jonas to talk XBL2 next week
* What happens to Gecko after 1.9? When do we want Gecko 1.0/Gecko++/GeckoNX
* bsmedberg working on Linux reference build platform + VM for Gecko1.9/Fx3
** reference compiler will be reasonably new (gcc 4.2ish), and using gcc 4.2 features will sometimes cause performance regressions with older gcc (mainly Ts)
** new build VMs
* need to drop remaining old tinderboxes
** VC6 (creature, thunderbird, sunbird, etc.)
* performance tinderboxes
** need numbers for specific releases + some intermediate steps (e.g. milestones + some nightlies if available)
** need historical numbers before we can toss out btek
= Firefox 3 =
Confirm, emeritus

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