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175 bytes added, 00:35, 18 August 2011
remaining tasks: CSS3-UI :indeterminate examples per FF6 implementation
* '''text-overflow'''
** clarify text per emails from fantasai/RoC or consider explicitly stating as undefined (per suggestions from RoC)** also create an implementer FAQ on the CSS WG wiki re: text-overflow accordingly
* update ''appearance'' property with updated set of native UI controls from Alex Faaborg and incorporating analysis in the [[#CSS3_UI_appearance_values|CSS3 UI appearance values]] section above.
* ''':indeterminate''' - add an example using [ HTML5 progress element] and with input type=checkbox with DOM property set to indeterminate deliberately per [ devmo :indeterminate example]
* '''resolve issues'''. resolve/apply proposals from issues list:
Canmove, confirm

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