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Labs/Jetpack/Weekly Meeting/2011-08-23

7,085 bytes added, 19:03, 23 August 2011
* Roundtable
= Minutes =
== Content Process Prototype Meeting ==
* eddy: built prototype we discussed using content processes in separate pool
* working on getting commit access
* e10s team added support for content processes in mozilla-central
* prototype is now obsolete
* it's possible to create multiple content processes using browser element
* you have to set certain preference for it to work
* prototype no longer necessary
* looking into frame loader and message manager code
* by end of week, want to start building next version of prototype
* use XPCOM interface
* as it doesn't always make sense to have a browser element for an addon
* first thing will be to subclass (something)
* still need to understand message manager and frame loader
== Mobile Kickoff Meeting ==
* matteo: we talked about approach to mobile
* agreed to not have dependencies on e10s
* even if we need to make more effort in the end
* that way we make mobile development faster
* and have mobile support by the end of the year
* we discussed yesterday about who works on what
* pretty sure i work on mobile
* but alex isn't sure if he's working on mobile
* not sure how to split work
* talked to myk yesterday, to figure out how it works with feature page and bugs
* i.e. how to split general idea of mobile support into concrete feature pages and bugs
* in previous company, we used scrums
* product manager created user story
* dcm: the process is new, still figuring out tracking
* we want to create bugs for smaller tasks
* and link from feature page to bugs
* tracking bugs might still be useful
* not sure; up to mossop to decide assignments
* mossop: on the firefox team, one lead developer in charge of each feature page
* up to that person to file bugs on work that needs to be done for the feature
* lead developer will take bugs, find other people to take bugs, or ask mossop to find people
* matteo: how about info on etherpad?
* mossop: up to dcm; you can use feature page
* feature page is used by people outside teams to learn what is going on
* but it's also ok for feature page to link to etherpad
* dcm: lots of spaces in feature page for implementation, design, development
* lots of places to put thoughts
* one of the intents is for folks outside the group to be able to read and understand what's going on
* alex: are we going to land mobile changes to master, have "compile flag", or make topic branch?
* myk: we should prefer landing mobile changes on master, i.e. main development branch
* to reduce integration cost
* especially since mobile is top priority
* but work we land on development branch must be shippable
* so prototypes should not land there
* but experimental code can land there if it can be prefed/configured/turned off by default
* and not affect non-experimental use of product
* in general, integrate early and often
* that goes for other work as well, f.e. e10s work
* although sometimes a topic branch makes sense
* i think irakli is using topic branch for some of the e10s work
== Bugs Update ==
* wes: there are 70 NEW, 1 UNCONFIRMED, 6 ASSIGNED, 1 REOPENED
* myk: that seems like a lot of open bugs
* we should triage that list, figure out which bugs we can push off and which features we need to back out
* wes: (something) team wants to land a fix to report compartments better
* wes: bug 680821
* myk: it doesn't make sense to land fix on stabilization branch, which targets Firefox 7, given that the platform capability landed in Firefox 9 branch
* but it does make sense to land on dev branch
* myk to review patch
== Workshop Update ==
* jeff: we have event in lanyard (?)
* bones of event promotion up and running
* we need to do a social media push
* dhorner and i working on it, hope to push it tomorrow
* that's for london september 29 event
* it's just filling it out and getting content ready
* email going around about preparing talks for event
* dbuc and i collaborating on interacting with web content talk
* irakli doing adding to firefox ui talk
* brian doing talk i don't understand
* near term goal is to get word out in london community
* and get talks ready for september all-hands
* past that, i've been trying to give stanford patience
* idea is for another workshop later in fall at stanford
* contact at stanford gone silent
* exploring other options, including mountain view performing arts center
* that'll be my first port of call
* worst case scenario: mountain view office
* pursuing that, but still waiting for stanford
* want to do it in october
* that's the status, hoping to have SF event where/when within next couple weeks
* by all hands for sure!
* dhorner: also try computer history museum in mountain view
* brian: they have good space, did addon con in spring
* brian: do you have target size for audience in london?
* dhorner: yes 120
* we still are missing one assistant for brian's talk
* brian: mostly lecture or hacking time?
* dhorner: broken down into separate sessions
* dcm: no confirmation that we'll be able to do dry-run at all hands
== Major Retriage of Future Bugs ==
* moved future bugs into 1.2, 1.3, and 1.4 buckets
== Add-on Builder ==
* dbuc: pushed update yesterday with hotfix for template error on certain result sets
* piotr: looking into AMO integration, first work should land for next wednesday
* working on getting the rest of the search facets in, making s
== Testing Repackaging ==
* myk: we need to test repackaging
* in case we need to do it for Firefox 7
* dbuc: we have plan to test processing with sample addon
* myk: we need to also test it with copy of AMO database
* dbuc to talk to AMO folks about that
* myk: we also need to check if there's an actual compatibility issue
* dbuc: if not, do we still repack when SDK 1.1 comes out?
* myk: no, we only repack if we have to
* myk to check SDK 1.0 compatibility with Firefox 7
== Roundtable ==
=== Workshop ===
* matteo: is someone needed for workshop in september? i thought i couldn't come, but now i can
* dhorner: the one we need at the moment is assistant for libraries and modules session
* brian: dhorner or jeff, are y'all on IRC? so i can ask questions later?
* dhorner: not on IRC, but ping me on email
* dhorner: you're down as assistant for web content
* everyone check your assignments
* dcm: then we do still need another assistant for libraries and modules
* kwierso: maybe peregrino?
* dcm, mossop to talk about this
=== Localization ===
* alex: plan for localization?
* dcm: plan is to build on what gandalf has done
* getting some pushback from people about abandoning current mozilla system
* we're trying to make it easier than the current system
* hoping to sit down at all hands with gandalf and someone from AMO
* myk: note that there is no current system for localizing addons
* there is 1/3 or at best 1/2 a system for localizing addons
* so best case scenario we still need to build 1/2 to 2/3 of a system
* the question about whether or not to "keep the current system" can only be about the 1/3 to 1/2 of a system we have
= Minutes =
Canmove, confirm

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