User talk:MykMelez

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Draft of new /Labs/Jetpack/JEPs page:


JEP stands for Jetpack Enhancement Proposal. A JEP is a proposal for an enhancement to the Jetpack add-ons development platform. JEPs are a mechanism for collecting ideas and influencing Jetpack development.

Each JEP has a champion who is responsible for writing the proposal and driving the discussion of its merits. Any Jetpack project participant can be a champion. JEPs are numbered by increasing consecutive integers, listed on this page, and discussed in the Jetpack discussion forum.

JEPs are not the only mechanism for influencing Jetpack development and should be reserved for significant architectural issues and APIs that should be in the core Jetpack library. Other options include:

  • propose and discuss enhancements informally in the Jetpack discussion forum;
  • file bug reports about bugs;
  • go ahead and implement APIs that don't need to be in the core Jetpack library (or for which it's not clear whether or not they belong in the core), then distribute them to add-on developers via your own website (or, once available, via FlightDeck).


To champion a JEP, assign it the next available integer and create a wiki page for it. Name the page after its number, and put it in the /Labs/Jetpack/JEP/ namespace. Refer to existing JEPs for guidance on formatting. Reference the page in the list below. Assign it the initial status "proposed". Announce it and solicit feedback in the Jetpack discussion forum. Revise it as appropriate in response to feedback.

After discussion of the proposal, if it is approved by Jetpack leads, mark it "approved". Otherwise, mark it "declined". Reference bugs tracking the implementation status of an approved proposal in the JEP. Once an approved proposal has been implemented, mark it "implemented".


Champion Status
JEP 101 - No-Restarts Atul approved
JEP 102 - Single UI Element Aza proposed
JEP 103 - Panel Myk approved
JEP 104 - Simple Storage Drew approved
JEP 105 - Life-cycle Aza proposed
JEP 106 - Registered Jetpack URLs Atul proposed
JEP 107 - Page Mods Daniel proposed
JEP 108 - Page Worker Daniel proposed
JEP 109 - Request Myk proposed
JEP 110 - Tabs Myk approved
JEP 111 - Selection Myk approved
JEP 112 - Context Menu Drew approved
JEP 113 - Localization Gandalf approved
JEP 114 - Places Ddahl proposed
JEP 115 - Content Frames Brian approved
JEP 116 - Private Browsing Ehsan approved
JEP 117 - URL Myk proposed
JEP 118 - JetpackID Brian proposed
JEP 119 - ctypes Dan Witte proposed
JEP 120 - Audio Garrison proposed


These JEPs were written during the experimental phase of the project, when we were developing the prototype. Now that we are no longer working on the prototype, these JEPs are no longer applicable. They are archived here for reference purposes.