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15,028 bytes added, 20:04, 30 September 2011
Saving first draft
''WebRT Technical Specification''

WebRT is a chromeless runtime for web applications, targeted at Android, Windows Classic, Windows Metro, Mac, Linux, and B2G.   It is an application-centric user agent that coexists with the browser-centric user agent that Mozilla already makes.

It is designed to support both "install-from-Firefox" and "stub installer" modes of operation.  In the install-from-Firefox mode, Firefox initiates an application install because of user action or an API call from a trusted application store.  In the stub installer mode, the user launches an executable which checks for the presence of the WebRT binary and initiates a download from Mozilla's servers if it is not present.  (The Firefox-installed executable is probably identical to the stub installer executable though this doesn't appear to be a requirement.) The stub installer does not install Firefox as a user-facing application and does not register for handling of HTTP URLs.

In all modes, the WebRT binary is self-updating; when the platform allows it, a background service that ensures that the code is always-up-to-date is installed.

If you're wondering, "How is this different from XULRunner?", skip on down to that section.

If, after reading this, you think, "Hm, couldn't Firefox do all this?", skip on down to that section.

=== Target Platforms, by priority: ===
* Android: P1 for Q1 2011
* Windows Classic: P2 for Q1 2011
* Windows Metro: P1 for Q3 2012
* Mac: P2 for Q1 2011
* Linux: P3 for Q1 2011
* B2G: P2 for Q3 2011

=== Performance and Resouce Goals ===

* TBD - starting points?
* Internal (non-OS) startup time < 50ms

=== Critical platform features: ===
* Native widget support, especially toolbar, menu, list?, scrolling canvas?
* Device APIs
* Silent update of the runtime

== Expected User Interactions ==

==== Android: ====
The user installs a Mozilla Marketplace application from the Android Marketplace, granting access to a superset of device APIs allowed to Mozilla apps.  The user then clicks an Install button from inside this application.  The Marketplace application may then initiate a background task to download the resources associated with the application, not signalling readiness until the download task is complete.  A new shortcut is created on their launcher screen.  When the user launches the shortcut, the application launches full-screen with instant access to the downloaded resources.

* granting the superset of APIs at install time is a big speedbump
* current belief is that, since these aren't APKs, no Android settings tweaks are needed

==== Windows, Classic, non-Firefox user: ====
The user navigates to a Mozilla-powered marketplace website using Internet Explorer or another browser.  The user clicks an Install button on the website.  This causes an executable to be downloaded, in the usual Windows installer experience.  The executable is installed with the usual Start Menu / Desktop options. This little executable is responsible for making sure WebRT is available on the system, if needed, and for launching the app.

When the user launches the executable, it checks for the WebRT libraries, doesn't find them, and initiates a download; when that download completes, the application launches with normal Windows behavior.

==== Windows, Classic, Firefox user: ====
The user navigates to a Mozilla-powered marketplace using Firefox.  The user clicks an Install button on the website.  Firefox prompts the user for the usual Start Menu / Desktop Windows install options, and creates an executable in the user's file system.  When the user launches the executable, it links against the WebRT libraries provided by Firefox and launches with normal Windows behavior.  The Firefox silent update process may be responsible for keeping the WebRT libraries up-to-date.

==== Windows Metro User ====

== Features ==

=== Stub Executable Creation ===

The WebRT stub executable is a platform-specific executable that is responsible for downloading the WebRT library (if necessary), initiating self-update (if necessary), and for instantiating the WebRT libraries with an application-specific root and capabilities list.

The executable is bound to an application manifest at creation time, using OS-specific bundling techniques.  When the executable starts up,  it performs self-checks as needed, and then launches a new window, pinned on the application domain, with a location of the application's launch domain and path.

The executable might also be bound at creation time to installer-provided metadata.  This could include, for example, a purchase receipt for access to paid content.  If Firefox binds the executable, it will pass through the installData provided by the installing website; if a server binds the executable it is free to put whatever it wants in there.

=== Profile Management ===

User preferences for network, security, privacy, identity, saved passwords, form history, accessibility, application handling, and plugins should be identical across all WebRT-powered applications and their Firefox browser (if they have one).  The HTTP cache is shared between WebRT-powered applications and Firefox, subject to the usual no-shared/no-store cache-control rules.  Browsing history and bookmarks are not shared between WebRT applications and Firefox.  If the user has installed Firefox and set up Firefox Sync, user preferences should be correctly synced across all devices; no support for Sync is expected if the user has not installed Firefox.

=== Profile Configuration ===

A WebRT preferences dialog is made available to the user through an OS-appropriate configuration flow; this dialog is functionally equivalent to the Firefox preferences panel.  Additional product work is needed on each target platform to decide whether this appears as an "application" or is integrated into the platform-specific Settings / Preferences / Control Panel idiom.

=== Permissions and API Access Control ===

The WebRT binary enforces per-call permissions on API calls made by web content.  It implements a set of sensible defaults for all applications and a set of higher-privilege defaults for applications installed from trusted sources.  The list of trusted sources is maintained in the user profile.  OS-appropriate interfaces for privilege escalation are provided, much the same as in normal-mode Firefox.

Permissions that enhance the application experience should be defaulted to higher settings than the Firefox defaults; for example, Application Cache should be enabled by default and set to a high quota.  Access to privacy-sensitive APIs should still be subject to more control and user oversight.

A permissions UI for the application can be opened from inside the application using an OS-appropriate gesture.  This UI should have the same functionality as the per-domain about:permissions pane.

The application manifest may optionally include a capability to allow the application to register protocol handlers or content types. The runtime will take care of performing the registration automatically during installation.

* Question: Are there any APIs that we would put in WebRT that we wouldn't put in normal-mode Firefox?  Right now we don't have any.  One possibility is "subwindows", for things like palettes, but perhaps that can fit into Firefox just fine?

=== Pre-download of Application Cache content ===

The WebRT executable should be able to initiate an Application Cache download, headlessly, in response to an IPC, and to message its status.

* Probably: Firefox should use this feature to provide a "downloading application" progress bar following the initiation of an install flow.  When run in stub installer mode, the WebRT executable should provide a progress bar for resource download, which must complete before the first window is created. Maybe this happens during a splash screen or something - but predictable behavior is provided.

=== Domain Capture / Pinning by Applications ===

When the stub executable is bound, the domain of the application is bound into it.  The WebRT runtime will "pin" that domain to the application.  Any navigation event that occurs inside the application which stays within the pinned domain will be handled by the application, subject to the normal "target" rules to identify the target window.  A navigation event that targets an external domain will be passed to the operating system for normal protocol resolution.  A event that targets an external domain will be converted into an OpenURL event, losing the open metadata.

The application manifest may optionally include a "whitelist" of domains that the application is allowed to load without triggering the external-domain logic.  If the application expects to load external top-level domains (e.g. for a federated login), it is expected to place the list of domains into its manifest.

* Question: Is Firefox expected to direct locations that would target an application over to the application?  If so, how is the "target" attribute handled?  How about calls to  Can we make window.opener work for a popup in Firefox talking back to an external application?

=== Change Management for Application Manifests ===

When the stub executable is bound to an application manifest, it is given the URL of the manifest.  The executable is expected to apply ordinary Cache-Control rules to this manifest, and to poll it for changes when HTTP caching rules indicate that a freshness check is needed.

In limited cases, the user will be prompted to accept the new manifest before it becomes active.  Currently, these cases are: an addition to the API capability list, a change of the application's icon, or a change of the application's name.

=== Support for native application-level widgets ===

There is some current platform work, and some HTML5 specification work, about creating application-level widgets from web applications.  The WebRT project would need to accelerate some of that work; in particular, many operating systems expect to provide a toolbar or menu object.

=== Support for native application-level events ===

WebRT would be responsible for relaying OS-initiated events that target an application to web content, if appropriate.  For example, an OS-initiated "Prompt for Quit" event might be turned into a series of "Close" events targeted at each open window, with content given a chance to prompt the user to save changes or cancel the quit.

OS-level IPC events that target an application with content will need to be translated into web events.  For example, dragging a document onto a WebRT-powered application should generate a "open document" event targeted at some window.

* Questions: Which window gets unitary system-level events?  Topmost?  What if there's no window open (assuming the OS allows that)?

== TBD points ==

=== Support for Firefox install during WebRT startup? ===

More of strategy than a technology question: We could easily install Firefox when WebRT is downloaded the first time. Worth it? Distracting? Possibly offensive to developers or users?

=== Support for Multi-Window Applications? ===

More speculatively: A feature to allow more direct communication between windows of a WebRT application could be useful.  This could be through a window.frames property or something like that.

=== Relationship of WebRT to Addons ===

* Feedback needed: There's no technical reason why addons and Jetpacks couldn't work inside a WebRT application, but the maintenance and configuration UX workload would be a bit greater.  Thoughts?

== Release and QA Implications ==

If WebRT is packaged as a separate library from Firefox, it would need its own build process; it is expected, however, that anything that would cause a Firefox spin would cause a WebRT spin.  (And see below for thoughts about how the WebRT product could, in fact, just be the firefox binary).

== How is this different from XULRunner today? ==

=== Explicit targeting of web applications ===

The goal of WebRT is not to creative native applications using web technology -- it's to run web applications as full citizens on a native platform.

WebRT is just a user agent, not a new platform.  WebRT is anchored on a URL, and exposes all behavior to applications through the window and navigator objects - for a developer, it's just the web.  In XULRunner , the root of the application is in XUL - sometimes a very small piece of XUL, but it's there.

This isn't to require that WebRT doesn't have any XUL - that's an implementation detail - just that the developer's experience of using it is all web.

=== Focus on deployment through stub installer and existing Firefox installed base ===

There has been sporadic effort over the last several years to develop a XUL stub installer - see bug 299989, for example.  The goal of this project is to promote this to a primary, supported use case, with QA and RelEng resources, and a smooth user onramp.

== Hm, couldn't Firefox do all this? ==

If Firefox is installed, it probably could - that part is fairly easy.  We could have a stub executable which targeted the firefox binary and used it as a window server, or which spawned multiple firefox processes with some sort of shared-profile work.

Making the experience good for users who don't have (and possibly don't want) Firefox is harder.  We don't want to force a new web browser on people - our goal is to give web developers a way to easily deliver their web application to users. Research on users of mobile platforms has been very clear that users do not want to run apps inside their browser, and developers of interactive experiences (as opposed to hypertext content) have expressed great interest in providing a direct, unmediated experience to their users.

It may be the case that the easiest way to deliver WebRT is to just make the stub installer download and install Firefox, and for the stub installer to invoke Firefox in a chromeless/anonymous mode.  The goal of this specification is to make clear what that mode would look like, and to describe it in terms of its value to developers.

This specification is trying to stay away from saying what the software packaging that makes WebRT happen looks like - it may very well be the existing firefox-bin executable, rather than a dynamically loaded library, for example. But to the end user and the developer, the experience the very different.

=== How do competing WebRTs happen? ===

That's happening already  - all the other browser makers are hustling to add "application modes" to their browser products.  The application developer, or application store, will use feature detection to see if the user's current browser can run their application (and potentially even run it in "application mode", for example [ Chromium Mac App Mode]) - in that case, offering an executable download is totally unnecessary.

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