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1,427 bytes added, 20:35, 30 September 2011
added Fabrice's android experiment results
If WebRT is packaged as a separate library from Firefox, it would need its own build process; it is expected, however, that anything that would cause a Firefox spin would cause a WebRT spin.  (And see below for thoughts about how the WebRT product could, in fact, just be the firefox binary).
== Results of experimentation on Android ==
: Currently fennec opens webapps in special tabs and not in new chromeless windows (these tabs are specials in that we just re-focus them if you launch the same app twice). We had code to open in new windows but this does not provide a good user experience since from an Android point of view, it's just the same app (fennec). New windows does not show up in the app list on tablets for instance : the lack of a real window manager on android is a real issue here.
: We also implemented stub apks that launched fennec in webapp mode. This doesn't give much to us, and doesn't work on some carriers (eg most of AT&T phones prevent install of 3rd party apps).
: Overall Android is quite hostile for this kind of effort... much more than maemo was for instance.
: One option could be: turn webRT into a android homescreen web application, and use it to do the window management part. This is similar to what is being done in b2g for the front-end. If we still want to support android native apps we can expose them to the window manager. This could run in a chromeless fennec, or as the fennec fork from b2g.
The Mozilla Marketplace itself is just another webapp - and could come "preinstalled" with a bunch of others.
: Interestingly, it looks like the "homescreen/launcher" section is very popular in the android appstore, so we could get some traction here.
: Fabrice Desré
== How is this different from XULRunner today? ==

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