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Labs/Jetpack/Weekly Meeting/2011-10-18

3,573 bytes added, 17:51, 18 October 2011
no edit summary
= Attendees =
* canuckistani
* dcm
* mossop
* kwierso
* warner
* myk
* gozala
* ochameau
* wbamberg
* ejpbruel
* dhorner
* krizsa
* zalewa
* dbuc
* arron
* jorge
= Minutes =
== SDK 1.2 ==
* dcm: SDK 1.2 to be released today!
* Jeff: need to replace Google Translate example by December 1
* have some ideas, have etherpad for brainstorming
* dcm: ask forum for ideas
* myk: saw references to, but current docs are at
* want to make sure docs expect to be at correct URL
* wbamberg: some references to one, some to the other
* but docs correctly expect to be at
== FlightDeck ==
* dbuc: repacker changes pushing to production on Wednesday
* new SDK will be made available once it is released today
* frontend and backend changes happening (new template system)
* search template being redone
* would like to meet this week to discuss docs and hosting examples
* -> wbamberg to set up meeting
== Roundtable ==
* dcm: mobile team deciding to switch to native ui on android
* this impacts timeline
* adjusted Q4 goals for team
* mobile goal at risk
* other stuff we should be able to do by end of quarter
* ejpbruel: does this mean e10s work is only relevant on desktop for now?
* all: yes
* ejpbruel: potential opportunity to do platform work on new native interface?
* dcm: probably best discussed with mossop
* myk: keep in mind that a future version of android will have better support for multi-process
* and current android has support for multi-thread, which we could take advantage of
* dbuc: android 4 announced soon, should have support for multi-process
* canuckistani: hack day venue has changed
* r2d2/c3po not available (mobile war room), we're going to do it in 10forward
* single track instead of dual track
* room booked, catering booked
* canuckistani: how do developers test on mobile fennec?
* ...
* ochameau: update on mozcamp?
* canuckistani: we're doing a talk
* dcm: canuckistani got arky to give talk at kuala lumpur mozcamp
* canuckistani: he'll also be in berlin and is localization coordinator for southeast asia region
* ochameau: any plan to simplify xpis? would be useful for uploading xpis to localization service
* warner: i think we should do it; i'll help
* ochameau: any particular simplifications in mind?
* warner: general idea is to have only one resource protocol mapping and break the directory whose name has several components (like the package name) into individual directories
* ochameau: i have a patch that does some simplification
* gozala: my "no runtime search" patch depends on it
* ochameaeu: i'll keep in touch with daniel to make sure repacks continue to work
* dcm: we decided to do repacks for all addons again for 1.2, as we did for 1.1
* partly because we don't yet have way of distinguishing between Builder and local addons
* will also allow people to digest our change to not do repacks for local addons
* dcm: also myk says we might not need to repack for 1.3
* myk: yes, 1.2 currently passes tests on aurora, central branches
* which means compatibility with firefox 9, 10
* 10 compatibility can change nightly, but 9 compatibility is less likely to change
* and if we make it through aurora period, it probably won't change
* dbuc: we have a flag in AMO to identify addons that shouldn't be updated
* we could expose this better to developers and let them decide
* gozala: what about the addon that checked that box and got repacked anyway?
* dbuc: yes, the flag wasn't being respected but will be
Canmove, confirm

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