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Platform/Layout/CSS Compatibility

247 bytes added, 20:17, 14 February 2012
questions and methodology: for sites in general vs. specific sites
== questions and methodology ==
For sites in general:
* What are the thresholds (even approximate) for supporting an other-vendor prefixed property vs. not?
* How much of this is due to user-agent sniffing?
** Weighted by PageRank or equivalent?
* Severity of feature absence. Missing some properties breaks a lot more than missing others. Consider usability of page with/without the feature, not just how often it is used. E.g. tap-highlight-color does not affect the user's ability to use a website the same way text-size-adjust does.
* ...
For specific sites:
* *Which* sites will work *how much* better if we implement *which* properties?
** The sites which are currently "broken" should be listed above in "problematic sites" and have a bug# for each one.
* ...
Canmove, confirm

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