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88 bytes added, 05:50, 25 March 2012
Overview Documentation
* [[Apps/Overview|Product Overview]] - a high-level description of the product and design pieces
* [[Apps/WebRT|WebRT]] - a discussion of what a Web Runtime must do
* [[Marketplace]] - Mozilla's Marketplace for app discovery, distribution, and monetization
* [ MDN docs] - MDN page with Apps Documentation
* [[Apps/QA | Apps QA]] - QA activities to test the Web Apps platform
* [ Security Reviews] - Security reviews for the Apps project
* [ Market Place Project Plan] - Scope of current and upcoming releases of Marketplace
* [ Marketplace Developer App Submission] - Developer submission page for submitting apps to the marketplace
* [[Apps/UserStories|UserStories]] - a living list of user stories, prioritized for upcoming releases
Canmove, confirm, emeritus

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