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No change in size, 22:20, 10 April 2012
** manipulation of images to distort or disfigure body parts, with the intention to shock, e.g. grossly inflated breasts, male parts Photoshopped onto female bodies, naked breasts with nipples removed
* Any child pornography or suggestive material;
** Child pornography must be escalated to Mozilla for reporting to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC). Please send an email to [ org theme-reviews@mozilla.comorg] and include the theme ID number and a link to the designer’s gallery.
** With child content, any nudity should be rejected. Areas of concern here also include (a) children's interactions with others, poses, gestures, or other contexts that involve a sexual suggestion or (b) images that, even if not suggestive, may be alluring to pedophiles (e.g., Brooke Shields as a child in a tub or a fully-clothed model described as, "Barely 18").
** Symbols or representations of pedophilia or child porn (even those intended as satire) should be removed (e.g., pedobear)

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