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10,816 bytes added, 09:38, 7 July 2012
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'''SeaMonkey Meeting Details'''

* Time: [ 10 July, 2012, 12:00 UTC]
** (8am Eastern, 1pm UK, 2pm Central Europe, 8pm Hong Kong)
* Location: [irc:// #seamonkey IRC channel]
* Further Read: [[SeaMonkey/StatusMeetings/Basics|Basics]]

== Agenda ==
* Who's taking minutes? -> '''TBD'''
* Nominees for Friends of the Fish Tank:
** TBD

=== Action Items ===
(who needs to do what that hasn't been recorded in a bug) We should assign people to the open items.


* IanN to arrange with Jeff to send a tee-shirt or something to Serge (FotFT).
** Serge is slowly working his way through his mail backlog. Thinks his ISP blocked IanNs emails as spam.


=== Status of the SeaMonkey Buildbot Master and Tree ===
<!-- Please update accordingly. -->
* All our machines are now all out of SJC1 are are now at SCL3 or SCL1 ({{Bug|721516}}).
** Setting up SM VMs finished ({{bug|740613}})
** Set up all SM Win32 Machines. ({{bug|768303}}).
** {{Bug|744298}} Straighten out OOB allocation for seamonkey HPs [fixed];
** The R4 Macs are plugged-in, connected and base-imaged. Waiting on Callek to complete the setup.
** cb-seamonkey-linux-01 is back in action, so we're now at 3 Linux build slaves.
*** Next on Callek's agenda is the linux32 VM build-up.
* ewong and Callek are working on building on MSVC2010.
** {{bug|755626}} tracks the progress of changing sea-win32-02 to using MSVC2010.
** Currently done. Trunk builds are now MSVC2010.
** SeaMonkey Aurora will migrate to MSVC2010 this week, Callek will likely do the switch/checkin on Wednesday if everything else looks good.
* L10n Update: (2012-05-20): l10n buildbots are building again on all three platforms for be, de, en-GB, es-AR, gl, hu, it, lt, nl, ru, sk, uk, zh-CN and zh-TW. Still nothing since end of April for cs, es-ES, fr, nb-NO, pl, pt-PT and sv-SE.
** We currently have issues with l10n repacks on aurora/trunk, Callek didn't get time this past weekend to peek at it. The issue relates to some of the very complex build-system logic we have, so it will take someone with time and understanding to investigate (< 10 hours of work). Callek will try and work on this weekend.

=== Release Train ===
* 2.11b4 shipped July 1
* 2.11b5 shipped July 6
* 2.10.2 planned (no ETA yet) '''still?'''
** in line with FF 13.0.2 "to help with uptake of Flash 11.3.300.262"
* Next Aurora/Beta uplift is July 16, with 2.11 release following July 17
** Everyone please take care to finish and land l10n-touching bugs in time (e.g. {{bug|746110}}).
** InvisibleSmiley will be mostly AFK during that time.

=== Extensions Compatibility Tracking ===
* See [[SeaMonkey/StatusMeetings/Basics|Basics]] page. Please only list current changes here.
* [[SeaMonkey/AddonCompat|Addon Compatibility Listings]]
** Nothing to highlight.
* Our build team (Serge, Callek, ewong) needs to automate DOMI branch selection rather than having to tweak the every 6 weeks. {{Bug|763506}}
** sgautherie thinks that the current DOMi branches/tags are not suitable for automatic SeaMonkey branch selection.

=== 2.x (Last, Current, Next) ===
* 2.10 had ~X ADU by last Tuesday and 2.10.1 had ~Y downloads so far.
** Of the released versions, as of last Tuesday, we have A% on 2.0, B% on 2.1-2.3, C% on 2.4-2.6, D% on 2.7, E% on 2.8, F% on 2.9 and G% on 2.10. So, in the last two weeks, ~Hk (an additional I% of ADU) have migrated to 2.7 or above.
** Some people cannot upgrade due to system requirements (OS version, processor capabilities etc.). This even more applies to 2.10 which dropped support for Win2k and WinXP without SP2.
** The current plan is to create a new page for latest builds available for "Legacy Platforms" e.g. PPC containing links to 2.6.1 PowerPC/G4 and also perhaps to [ seamonkey-ppc] (2.10 and 2.11b3 for OSX 10.5.8) [ TenFourFox] and [ Tenfourbird]. We can then link to that from our main release page. See {{Bug|759315}}.
* See [[SeaMonkey/StatusMeetings/Basics|Basics]] page for the usual reminders.

==== 2.10 ====
[ open tracking] (0)
[ tracking requests] (2)
[ targeted] (0)
[^(seamonkey2.10|seamonkey2.11|seamonkey2.12)$&value0-1-0=fixed&value0-2-0=^(seamonkey2.9|seamonkey2.8|seamonkey2.7|seamonkey2.6|seamonkey2.5|seamonkey2.4|seamonkey2.3|seamonkey2.2|seamonkey2.1|seamonkey2.0)$&value0-3-0=fixed&value0-4-0=fixed&value0-5-0=fixed&value0-6-0=fixed&value0-7-0=fixed&value0-8-0=fixed&value0-9-0=fixed&value0-10-0=fixed&value0-11-0=fixed fixed] (17)

* One tracked 2.5 issue still open.
** 2.1 through 2.7 have NOT included the ka (Kartvelian aka Georgian) locale. The last release with ka locale shipped was 2.0.14 and the ka l10n maintainers have not yet updated for changes in later SeaMonkey versions.
** The plan was that Callek now needs to morph {{bug|667147}} into removing |ka| from our [current] automation entirely (all-locales), and will look at the best locale to transition any ka users to.
*** Plan is to migrate ka users to en-US with an English dialog saying they are out of date, and a link to the all-locales page if there is a language they understand better. Current ADU of ka alone is 3-5 individuals, so low impact.~Callek
*** Callek and ewong were working on this but they didn't manage to get this done by the time 2.9 shipped. No new ETA unfortunately.
*** Seems like the ka locale maintainer finally turned up, so hopefully ka will be revived.

==== 2.Next ====

=== Feature List, Planning ===
[ Bug statistics] for last two (full) weeks: 48 new, 26 fixed, 22 triaged.
* Medium triaging effort.

[ Open reviews/flags]:
[ 29 review]
[ 9 super-review]
[ 1 ui-review]
[ 7 feedback]

* See [[SeaMonkey/StatusMeetings/FeatureList|Feature List]] page for major wanted/needed features.

=== Roundtable - Personal Status Updates ===

Status Updates from developers - what are you working on, what's the progress, any other comments? (feel free to add yourself to the list if your name is missing and you have interesting status).

'''Good First Bugs:'''
* IanN notes that it would be good if we could identify some more "Good First Bugs" for the community.
* Ratty trawled through his notes and came up with a first cut of possible GFBs. Note these are "port" stuff from FX/TB type bugs so are mostly cut and paste although sometimes they require some understanding since our code isn't totally identical and the patches need to be adapted to SeaMonkey. After a bit of non-discussion he filed several GFB bugs based on his list. See: [ Google groups post] and [;emaillongdesc1=1;field0-0-0=status_whiteboard;emailtype1=substring;chfieldfrom=2012-06-25;;type0-0-0=substring;value0-0-0=good Bugzilla listing].

==== Aqualon ====
==== Callek ====
==== ewong ====
==== IanN ====
==== InvisibleSmiley ====
==== KaiRo ====
==== mcsmurf ====
==== Misak ====
==== Mnyromyr ====
==== MReimer ====
==== Neil ====
==== Ratty ====
==== Ricardo ====
==== sgautherie ====
==== Stanimir ====
==== stefanh ====
==== tonymec ====

=== Any other business? ===
* '''Geolocation'''
** Geolocation now works out of the box. MoCo turned it on by default for all applications that build off mozilla-central.
** For comm-beta all we need to do is ({{Bug|494421}}) to add <tt>pref("geo.wifi.uri", "");</tt> to browser-prefs.js. However we're not even sure we are legally allowed to ship with the URL in, we might need to actually put in a pref to disable that in newer builds.
** No news to date. Callek will have to reach out to his MoCo legal contact again soonish.
* '''Test failures'''
** <u>qawanted</u>, especially on Linux and MacOSX specific issues: reproducing and reporting would already help.
** Serge says that on Linux and MacOSX, he just needs someone to actually run the tests and report what they see (screen, console, etc). For example, there is a Mac test about Ctrl+W not working. This should be so trivial.
** tonymec suggests that any enthusiastic user, even non-technical, should be able to do some testing (litmus?) and not be scared by technical language and such.
** IanN suggests reaching out to the user community using the newsgroups and forums.
** Serge to do a write up and send it to Ratty to propagate to the community.
*** Ratty is '''***still***''' waiting for Serge.

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