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ReleaseEngineering/PuppetAgain/HowTo/Build RPMs

871 bytes added, 00:14, 10 July 2012
Created page with "Find a suitable machine with 'mock' installed. It's best to do this on a target machine, since its /etc/mock/default.cfg will already be set up correctly. Download the srpm fro..."
Find a suitable machine with 'mock' installed. It's best to do this on a target machine, since its /etc/mock/default.cfg will already be set up correctly.

Download the srpm from and unpack it:

mkdir foopkg && cd foopkg
rpm2cpio $srpm | cpio -ivd

You should see a .spec file appear. Check that it is identical to the one in under modules/packages/manifests/mozilla e.g., with an md5 hash. If not, figure out what the differences are, and which corresponds to the running version of the package.

Edit the spec file to your heart's content. To build an RPM, you'll need to stop off at an SRPM:
mock --buildsrpm --spec /path/to/spec --sources $PWD
The script output will tell you where the SRPM is. Then build the SRPM into an RPM:
run mock --rebuild /path/to/srpm
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