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ReleaseEngineering/PuppetAgain/HowTo/Build RPMs

598 bytes added, 00:18, 10 July 2012
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= Building =
Find a suitable machine with 'mock' installed. It's best to do this on a target machine, since its /etc/mock/default.cfg will already be set up correctly.
The script output will tell you where the SRPM is. Then build the SRPM into an RPM:
run mock --rebuild /path/to/srpm
= Testing =
For testing purposes, it's best to install the RPM locally, rather than dropping it into the puppetagain data directory and risking affecting production. You can do that too, if you're confident it won't affect anything.
= Review =
For review, include the modified .spec in your r? for changes to the puppet repository.
= Landing =
When the patch is r+'d, commit it as usual, and also add *both* the RPM (or multiple RPMs if multiple architectures are required!) and the SRPM into /data on the designated puppet master, so that it will be distributed to other systems.
Canmove, confirm

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