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204 bytes added, 12:45, 10 July 2012
Roundtable - Personal Status Updates
* Of the 17 GFBs, one was fixed by Sergey ({{Bug|767353}}), and three by Ekanan Ketunuti ({{Bug|767913}}, {{Bug|767916}}, and {{Bug|767920}}).
* Three are currently assigned ({{Bug|695255}}, {{Bug|715410}}, and {{Bug|767919}}).
* [Ratty] I probably seeded this GFB list with too many one line fixes which were all grabbed first and the harder ones mostly untouched. Perhaps in the next round we should focus more on medium difficulty GFBs. I propose to wait one more week and if there are no takers I'll encourage our regular contributors to take over the remaining GFBs. I think perhaps we should also do more publicity in the mozillazine forums and newsgroups, perhaps target existing extension authors.* Neil suggests we could get some Services conversions going as GFBs.
==== Aqualon ====

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