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No change in size, 15:31, 27 July 2012
What makes Mozilla different
Mozilla is a global community with shared values. We believe that the Internet is an integral component of modern life, and is therefore a public resource that must be open to all. And we believe that Free and Open Source software developed and promoted through transparent, community processes is the best way to realize this vision. We think these values are important, and we hope that everyone who wants to contribute to the Mozilla project takes the time to read the [ Mozilla Manifesto].
Mozilla does not have the advertising budget of a major corporation, and the hundreds of millions of users of Mozilla software have, (in almost all cases) found out about it by word-of-mouth, through their friends, family and acquaintances. In other words, it is the community that has made Mozilla what it is, by developing, testing and localizing software and documentation, and by marketing this software to the world.
At Mozilla, what most organizations call marketing, we call [ engagement]. Mozilla is all about our users and rather than market to them in a traditional way, we prefer to connect and have conversations with them. The Engagement is divided into multiple teams of that work with the Mozilla community to speak with different audiences and share our story.
=Easy ways to get started=

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