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329 bytes added, 13:36, 12 August 2012
* intuitive
* organic "pave the cowpath" i.e. use the tags that people are already using
* to make it compatible with future systems, consider shorter tags without spaces, to assure compatibility with future support forum systems * DO NOT use software code names i.e, ex. Thunderbird or Mozilla module names unless the topic is specifically about them* '''DO NOT use Tags like "help", "email", "Thunderbird"''', "My Thunderbird has fallen and I can't get up", etc. They are too generic to be useful. Instead select the Product "Thunderbird" and from the product the support community will know it's about Thunderbird and email and help is required.
* '''DO''' use names from Thunderbird UI e.g. "message filters", and names commonly used by users e.g. "filters"
* try to not use more than 3 words or less, tags longer than 3 words are hard to use and remember
* '''DO''' use multiple tags if that make sense e.g. "Thunderbird 3 Beta 4" and "cannot send email"
* '''{{Gsfntag|faq}}''' if the topic is a FAQ
* '''{{Gsfntag|canonical}}''' to highlight a preferred topic for a problem, especially if you need to keep other reports of the same problem open for diagnosis purposes
* '''{{Gsfntag|helpwanted}}''' to flag a topic for triagers to crowdsource, and remove it when not needed:
** '''{{Gsfntag|helpwanted-BUCKET}}''' where BUCKET is a category/type of problem, for example: '''{{Gsfntag|helpwanted-imap}}''', '''{{Gsfntag|helpwanted-crash}}''', '''{{Gsfntag|helpwanted-Mac}}'''
* if the topic is one of the following common issues/faq areas then tag it
Canmove, confirm

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