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How To ...
=== How To ... ===
* [[CA:UserCertDB|User Root Certificate Settings]] -- How to override the default root settings in Mozilla products.
* [[PSM:EV_Testing_Easy_Version | EV Testing in Firefox:]] Explains how you can test that your CA certificate (that you want to enable for EV) and your OCSP infrastructure is working correctly according to the expectations of Mozilla, Firefox, the NSS library, and conforms to the SSL protocol specifications (as interpreted by Mozilla/NSS software).
** [[CA:EV_Revocation_Checking|EV certificates and revocation checking]]. This discusses how revocation checking via OCSP or CRLs affects the UI treatment of EV certificates.
* [[CA:Glossary|Glossary of CA- and Mozilla-related terms]]. Useful for following Mozilla CA-related discussions.
* [[CA:Certificate Download Specification|Certificate download specification]]. This document describes the data formats used by Mozilla products for installing certificates.
* [[CA:UserCertDB|User Root Certificate Settings]]. This wiki page describes how to override the default root settings in Mozilla products.
=== Discussion forums ===
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