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250 bytes added, 05:26, 6 November 2012
# Get help from Mozilla QA Mentors assigned to the task.
# Update progress on task.
# Pause work on the task and resume at a later time, perhaps from a different location.
# Mark the task as abandoned or complete.
# Give feedback on the task.
# See the task completion reflected in profile statistics.
# Earn reputation and badges.
# Participate in community discussion to make "One and Done" better (similar to [ Meta Stack Overflow])
# Schedule each task for when Mozilla QA Mentors are available to support contributor.
# Save the task in an "unpublished" state and make it "go live" as needed.
# Make unlimited instances of a task available for contributors to pick up (for example, test case suites on a testday).
# See a list of all tasks (drill down by unpublished / live, , completed / abandoned, priority for Mozilla QA, difficulty level, area of interest, etc.)
# Get notified when a contributor picks up the task.
# Read metrics of community participation.
# Participate in community discussion (similar to [ Meta Stack Overflow]).
# Define how reputation and badges should be earned.
# List of tasks in progress but not completed within the expected duration (also known as "hanging tasks" or "long-pending tasks").
# Number of unique contributors taking up tasks daily (drill down by area of interest, technical ability, etc.)
# Number of tasks completed daily (drill down by area of interest, difficulty level, etc.)
# Actual time taken to execute a task versus expected
# List of top contributors (sorted by reputation, number of badgestotal tasks completed
== Product Version 2.0 ==

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