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Firefox:3.0 Tabbed Browsing

1 byte added, 23:53, 7 February 2007
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**** yert: I gots me Firefox 2.0 and aside from fixing my spelling, which is cool, among other features, I found that a handy red x is there to try and trick me into closing my tabs. I use the middle button (wheel mouse). Can there also be an option to turn this evil red x off altogether?
** pgan: This can be done by just customizing Firefox 2.0 to make the Close buttons display only on the focused tab. Use the browser.tabs.tabClipWidth and browser.tabs.tabMinWidth properties. I agree that this is how it should be by default.
** Haggen: I believe when the user does click in the tab, firefox question "you are sure about this tab?" YES or No, why?, because tabs can be closed by accident (to me was ocurred), firefox should detect how the tabs are closing, if are closing by close button when question, else if are closing from right menu then only closed the tab.
* Overflow bucket
* The history system needs to be made more compatible with tabbed browsing. In particular, we should adopt a branched history system (that branches every time the user opens a new tab/window) where the user can always go back unless he/she has reached the homepage.
** FunnyMan3595: Simplest way to do this is to just duplicate the old back history in the new tab. See my comments at "Why not use the back button?" section of the talk page.
** Haggen: I believe when the user does click in the tab, firefox question "you are sure about this tab?" YES or No, why?, because tabs can be closed by accident (to me was ocurred), firefox should detect how the tabs are closing, if are closing by close button when question, else if are closing from right menu then only closed the tab.
* More visible highlight for the current tab. If more than 10-20 tabs are open, they start to look like a uniform mess...
**Perhaps the current tab should not get smaller when more tabs are opened. --[[User:Pile0nades|Pile0nades]] 14:04, 17 Jan 2006 (PST)
** or maybe "assign icon" to change the icon on the tab
** Also: Options in the tab-context-menu "move this tab left/right" [[User:Hajo|HaJo]]
*** Haggen: yes, i was think in it, firefox should have an option to change the color of close buttons in the tab, as opera what show buttons colored in red, gold, blue, green, etc.
* Solve problem with too many tabs by adding a new context menu option - GiantMonkey: I have an other idea: If you have more than 15 tabs opened, there's no clearness. I would like to make a proposal: In the context menu of the tab there should be one additional option "Configure tabs" or something like that. When you select this option, a new window on the left side is opened (similar to Sage or Bookmark). There are all tabs listed. The listed tabs can be multiple selected. At the top of the page you place some buttons in order to
**'''1.''' close selected tabs
**'''4.''' order web pages / union tabs which have similar urls (e.g. all pages with in sequence and then other urls)
**'''5.''' other options (--> proposals!!!)
** Haggen: yes, i was think in it, firefox should have an option to change the color of close buttons in the tab, as opera what show buttons colored in red, gold, blue, green, etc.
* What would be useful is an option per bookmark to always open it in a new tab, current tab or new window. For instance if you select your bookmark "Google" it will open in a new tab but if you select something like "CNN" it opens in the current tab.
* Open link in same tab option. This would be useful for sites that open their links in new windows, but you just want to open it in the current one. --[[User:Jaireth|Jaireth]] 08:55, 15 November 2006 (PST)

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