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Firefox:3.0 Tabbed Browsing

600 bytes added, 12:44, 11 March 2007
Cookie policies per tab
* When restoring a session, there should be a way to select the tabs that have to be opened : a list of the pages title with a checkbox (as does Maxthon).
*A possible addition/alternative to this is for the user to have more than one home page. Each home page would open in it's own tab. It gets quite redundant to open up the same 4-5 web pages every time I get on the internet.
=== Cookie Policies per Tab ===
It would be good for the user to be able to set a cookie policy individually for a tab. E.g. only 'that' tab should accept cookies from that site. Furthermore, sites opening in other tabs shouldn't be able to read the cookie from the first tab (even if it is the same site that set it). This would be useful when, for example, one wants to login to a site with two different credentials at the same time. Or one wants to access two gmail accounts at the same time. The whole idea is for each tab to be able to be sandboxed from all others like being another browser.

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