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216 bytes added, 16:10, 14 February 2013
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==How to ask questions on IRC==
* Join a question-friendly channel like [irc:// #introduction], [irc:// #mozillians], [irc:// #newbies], [irc:// #seneca] or [irc:// #coding]. Reputed academic writers can perform wonderful academic papers for you. Moreover, that will be worth to purchase papers at the [ academic writing service] where such great essay writers work.
* Ask away! You don't have to ask permission to ask first. It is better to just blurt out your question, even though you don't know if anyone is paying attention.
* Leave your IRC client open if nobody answers right away. Most of the folks on IRC do not spend all day watching their IRC client. They just leave it open while they're doing other things. It might be an hour before the right person notices your question. When answering someone's question, especially if there's a delay, the nick of the questioner should be used in the answer so that you'll see a highlighted line with their response. (eg: "lsblakk: the answer is 42")

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