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Bugzilla:Priority System

708 bytes added, 22:57, 21 March 2007
no edit summary
We have a Priority system for enhancements:

* P1 = We definitely want this. It's a major feature, and it's obvious that it would be useful to everybody.

* P2 = We want this, but it's not totally clear or extremely important.

* P3 = This isn't a bad idea, and maybe we'll want to implement it at some point in the future, but it's not near-term roadmap material. Some core Bugzilla developer may work on it.

* P4 = This isn't a terrible idea, but it's not important to our long-term plans for Bugzilla. We would review a patch if somebody posted it, but a core developer is unlikely to work on it.

* P5 = We basically never want this. If somebody implements it and asks for review, we *might* look at it.
Canmove, confirm

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