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793 bytes added, 02:24, 20 August 2013
Firefox OS Media Recording (cjku)
===Firefox OS Media Recording (cjku)===
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<!{{readonly}}*This week** WebAudio/{{Bug|894249}} -Regression: Youtube running in Browser app cannot interrupt background playing content** MediaRecording/{{Bug|900419}} - MediaRecorder's state is wrong when stopping media stream during recording** MediaEncoder/ {{Bug|891705}} - Implement WebM container writer. /rlin, studying** MediaEncoder/{readonly{Bug|891704}} - Implement MP4Writer** WebRTC/ {{Bug|902856}} - Should MediaEngineDefaultAudioSource generate real data** SkiaGL/ Create a SkThreadCanvas to and offload rendering task from main thread to this thread.*Next Week** SkiaGL/ Create a SkThreadCanvas to and offload rendering task from main thread to this thread.** MediaEncoder/ {{Bug|891705}} -Implement WebM container writer. /rlin, studying** MediaEncoder/{{Bug|891704}} ->Implement MP4Writer 
===Firefox OS Performance (mlee)===
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