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737 bytes removed, 14:42, 15 October 2007
Unclaimed Tasks
* '''Attachments''': do we still have a need for attachments? We're not trying to replace Bugzilla here, and there's a pretty high potential for abuse. We might want to allow this for community proposals for changes to test cases.
* '''Bugzilla Bug Integration''': automatically mark-up bugs numbers in comments and test steps/expected results as links to Bugzilla.
* '''Log File Support''': Build UI for display of result logs, which will now be held in the database to facilitate comparison.
* '''Test result/run comparison''': we need to be able to compare single test results head-to-head, and we also need to display comparisons between entire test runs. We can take a page from LXR's book and mark up the deltas in special colors to facilitate comparisons. We might also want to use some AJAX to roll-up the parts of the comparison that are the same.
* '''Backup/Archive/Purging of old test results''': the first step here will be to determine what our data retention policy will be. Both Bob and Tracy have said that they never need to go back further than one month to compare test results, but their opinions might change if it were easier for them to do so. It might make sense to be able to tag particular test runs, e.g. test runs for releases, with a DO_NOT_PURGE flag so that they can be kept around indefinitely;
== Claimed Tasks ==
Canmove, confirm

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