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1 byte removed, 16:46, 1 October 2013
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Mozilla’s CA Certificate Program governs inclusion of root certificates in [ Network Security Services (NSS),] a set of open source libraries designed to support cross-platform development of security-enabled client and server applications. The NSS root certificate store is not only used in Mozilla products such as the Firefox browser, but is also used by other companies in a variety of products.
== Override Default Root Certificate Settings ==
Users of Mozilla products may override the default root certificate settings by either deleting the root certificate or by changing the trust bit settings of a root certificate.
* [[CA:UserCertDB|User Root Certificate Settings]] -- How to override the default root settings in Mozilla products.
== Policy and Included CAs ==
* [[CA:CertPolicyUpdates|Updating Mozilla CA Certificate Policy]] -- How the policy is updated, transitioning to new versions of the policy, things to discuss in regards to updating the Mozilla CA Certificate Policy.
* [[CA:MD5and1024|Dates for Phasing out MD5-based signatures and 1024-bit moduli]]
== Override Default Root Certificate Settings ==
Users of Mozilla products may override the default root certificate settings by either deleting the root certificate or by changing the trust bit settings of a root certificate.
* [[CA:UserCertDB|User Root Certificate Settings]] -- How to override the default root settings in Mozilla products.
== CA Communications ==
Confirm, administrator

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