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22 bytes added, 22:43, 16 October 2013
Set your nickname: was it vandalism, or well-meant but ill-advised?
====Set your nickname====
Now that you're connected to the IRC server, you can set/register your nickname with Nickserv. If you’re going to be hanging around a lot (and we hope that you will!), you will want to register your nickname. That way, other people can’t pose as you on the channel and you can join password-protected channels. First, set your preferred nickname by either doing:
/nick mohitkumar2011
Or (where NICKNAME is the desired nickname); or if you are using a client you may have already set your nickname and/or can change it through the application's interface. Note that if someone has already registered your preferred nick, you’ll need to use a different one.
====Register your nickname====

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