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30 bytes removed, 15:19, 30 November 2013
Negotiating with the Web site for fixing a Web compatibility issue
* Never ever be aggressive with the persons you are trying to reach out. We want a better Web, not an angry Web ;).
* Never assume you are contacting the right person, except if unless you really know you doare.* Do not harass people with a lot of emails (even if they are nice with to you). A good rule of thumb is to wait one week in between two contacts. Then a month for the third contact. If nothing has happened during the 5 weeks, give up.* Never share publicly the emails, or names of people in the bug report if they have not decided to reveal themselves. Sometimes people will be willing to help fixing fix a Web site without necessary necessarily telling their management. Exposing them would make their work more difficult.
* Invite people to participate to the bugzilla themselves.
* If someone doesn't want to open a bugzilla account but is willing to share his/her comments in the bug report, help them to publish it (but only if they agreedagree).
There is '''no perfect email''' for contacting Web site, but if you think that you are not necessary necessarilyy contacting the right person it helps a lot writing a to write shorter emailemails. We created [[Compatibility/StdLetters|some templates in different languages]]. There They are very simple, straight to the point and asking for a better contact information. It is '''just an example'''. Some countries require more formalism, etc. Adjust depending on the local culture in your own language.
On twitter, it could be straightforward. For example
for Web site issues?
== Bugzilla Conventions for Web Compatibility Issues ==

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