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Gecko:Task List

128 bytes added, 09:34, 31 December 2007
Outstanding "Want To Have" Tasks
This list is intended for items that we would like to have done in the near term, that are reasonably well specified and well understood, and that could be started quite soon (i.e., don't rely on some major other piece of work to happen first).
=== Outstanding "Want To Have" Tasks Features ===
* When printing, clone the document and create a new presentation for that, instead of trying to create a new presenation (allows print preview/printing in a new window, letting the user continue to interact with the old document) (Blocked by {{bug|42976}}, although I suppose a kludge is possible. -Eli)
* Implement CSS animations
* Implement CSS transformations
* Rework overflow area computation Implement Web Forms 2* Implement Web Apps 1.0: drag-and-drop (seSee {{bug|356295}})* XBL2 implementation
* Eliminate XUL box objects in favour of APIs directly on XUL elements
* Work on cairo OpenGL backend (glitz?)
* SVG SMIL support
* Features comparable to The Venice Project's XUL compositor: caching content subtree rendering in graphics memory
* Features comparable to The Venice Project's XUL compositor: DOM feature to visually clone another element in the document
=== Outstanding "Want To Have" Cleanup ===
* [ Fix overflow areas]
* Implement Web Forms 2* Implement Web Apps 1.0: drag-and-drop (See {{bug|356295}})Fix invariants for invalidation during reflow
* Rework [[CSSFrameConstructor|frame construction]] to be simpler, faster and less fragile
* XBL2 implementation
* Rework XUL layout to operate more like normal reflow (compute all widths first, then all heights)
** Then merge nsHTMLScrollFrame/nsXULScrollFrame
* PresShell / PresContext unification
** First task in this is making sure they always have the same lifetime.
* Work on cairo OpenGL backend (glitz?)
* SVG SMIL support
* Features comparable to The Venice Project's XUL compositor: caching content subtree rendering in graphics memory
* Features comparable to The Venice Project's XUL compositor: DOM feature to visually clone another element in the document
* Rework image drawing to decompress-on-draw and make the principal interface be "draw yourself to this Thebes context"
** SVG <img>s
* Unify widget events and DOM events
* [[Gecko:Compositor|Compositor]], widget removal, view removal
* Help Mailnews/Thunderbird finally get rid of its dependency on xpcom_obsolete as per [[Gecko:Obsolete_API]] and
* Rename selection classes
** Move selection to content?
=== Tasks Too Vaguely Specified ===

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