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Gecko:Task List

47 bytes added, 09:30, 31 December 2007
Outstanding "Want To Have" Tasks
* Implement CSS3 page-break and column-break properties
* Implement CSS3 borders and backgrounds module
* Implement CSS animations
* Implement CSS transformations
* Rework overflow area computation (se
* Eliminate XUL box objects in favour of APIs directly on XUL elements
* [ Fix overflow areas]
* Implement Web Forms 2
* Implement Web Apps 1.0: drag-and-drop (See {{bug|356295}})
* Rework image drawing to decompress-on-draw and make the principal interface be "draw yourself to this Thebes context"
* Unify widget events and DOM events
* Implement contentEditable
* [[Gecko:Compositor|Compositor]], widget removal, view removal
* Fix online/offline events
* <link rel="offline"> implementation
* Implement rendering of Ogg Theora and possibly other video formats. Ideally with an scriptable API to control animation.
* Help Mailnews/Thunderbird finally get rid of its dependency on xpcom_obsolete as per [[Gecko:Obsolete_API]] and

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