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305 bytes added, 18:49, 17 December 2013
Mailing Lists
===Mailing Lists===
* [ Marketplace Team] All (internal) contributors to, and watchers & supporters of, Marketplace ServicesProgram
* [ Marketplace Drivers] Internal list for leads on the Marketplace Services program (Add your email address in a Service-Now request)
* [https://listsmozilla.mozillaservice-now.orgcom/listinfo/dev-planning Dev Apps] Company-WideInternal, all contributors to, Open. Provides schedule and watchers & supports of open and important meetings across dev and product teams, Apps Program (Add your email in a Service-now request)
* [ Dev Web Apps] Internal mailing list for Web App Devs
* [ Open Web Apps] Open, all Mozillian (external) Web App Devs
* [ Back Seat Drivers] The internal list for those not allowed on other drivers lists
* [ Dev Planning] Company-Wide, Open. Provides schedule of open and important meetings across dev and product teams
== Marketplace Roadmap ==

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