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508 bytes added, 23:32, 6 January 2014
no edit summary
TBD (# users, minimum rating, fully approved by App Reviewers, locale-specific or wide appeal, can nominate your own app, etc)
===Nominating a single app Single App or collection Collection of appsApps===
You can choose to nominate one app or a collection of apps that share a common theme or purpose. You must fill out and submit a [ nomination form] for your app to be considered. If you are the author of an app that has been accepted to Firefox Marketplace, we encourage you to submit it for consideration!
===Rotating Featured Apps===
To keep Marketplace content fresh, featured apps are removed on a regular basis. Some common reasons for removal are:
* Lack of growth
* Negative reviews
* No longer relevant (i.e. seasonal apps)
* Clearing space for new featured apps
===Types of Featured Content===
While we welcome suggestions on how the app you are nominating should be featured, we cannot guarantee it. Here are some common ways the editorial staff might choose to feature apps the community nominates:

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