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ReleaseEngineering/Merge Duty

3,449 bytes removed, 03:14, 5 February 2014
B2G Branching
== B2G Branching ==
Also see [ this etherpad].
=== Aurora is an even numbered Gecko version ===
When an even-numbered gecko version is merging into mozilla-aurora, the B2G version on mozilla-central will migrate into mozilla-aurora, and a new B2G version will start on mozilla-central. For B2G 1.3, when Gecko 28 merges into mozilla-aurora, mozilla-central will become 1.4 and mozilla-aurora will be 1.3.
This means we'll have to turn on B2G builds+tests for mozilla-aurora. See [ bug 913992] for an example.
* We'll need a new Gaia hg repository, e.g.
** This will have to be added to vcs-sync
* We'll probably need new Gaia l10n hg repositories, e.g.
** These will have to be added to vcs-sync
* The versions in the releng*.py files in [ mozharness/configs/b2g] will need to have their versions updated, e.g. [ here]:
'mozilla-central': '1.3.0',
would become
'mozilla-aurora': '1.3.0',
'mozilla-central': '1.4.0',
* The [ gaia-bumper config] will grow to three repositories: central, aurora, and the most recent mozilla-b2gXX branch.
* We'll need new [ b2g branches]
** Rail has a [ script]
* The device configs in aurora need updating to point to the new b2g manifest branch. e.g. ''(see {{bug|950166}} for example)''
* The device configs also need updating to point to gecko aurora repositories and the new gaia l10n repositories (see {{bug|957411}})
* the mozilla-central b2g version will need bumping, e.g. This should be done by RelMan, but worth the double check.
* Don't forget the [[#VCS_Sync_duties|VCS Sync duties]]!
* [| needs new versioned update channels]
* tag gecko+gaia for security team
=== Aurora is an odd numbered Gecko version ===
See [ this bug].
The B2G version in Aurora will move to a new mozilla-b2gXX_v1_X repo.
* file the TBPL page bug ahead of time
* don't forget the graphserver entries
* have the hg repo created ahead of time
* The device configs also need updating to point to gecko beta repositories (see bug 957411)
* Don't forget the [[#VCS_Sync_duties|VCS Sync duties]]!
* tag gecko+gaia for security team
=== Gecko L10n is a special case ===
Gaia l10n will be in version-specific hg repos, e.g.
Gecko l10n will be in: * [ l10n-central] - new version. On dec 9 this will be 1.4* [ releases/l10n/mozilla-aurora] - stabilizing version. On dec 9 this will be 1.3* [ releases/l10n/mozilla-beta mozilla-beta] - maintenance version. On dec 9 this will be 1.2* [ releases/l10n/mozilla-release mozilla-release] - EOL version. On dec 9 this will be 1.1 However, b2g gecko l10n only changes repos on even-numbered gecko's in Aurora... meaning b2g gecko l10n migrates every 2 train migrationsprobably remain static until we solve {{bug|967282}}.
== VCS Sync duties ==

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