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2,053 bytes added, 18:28, 5 February 2014
Market Insights from the Market Strategy Team
== Market Insights from the Market Strategy Team ==
=== Desktop / Platform ===
* GFI labs reports that 2013 saw a greater number of high severity vulnerabilities in popular operating systems, browsers and other softwares as listed in the National Vulnerability Database (NVD). A total of 4,794 security vulnerabilities were reported, the highest number recorded in the last five years, with 13 reports per day, a third of them "high severity."
[] Meanwhile, Google expanded the scope and reward structure for its vulnerability reward program. []
* Microsoft is running tests which hide by default the tiled Metro interface on Windows 8.1 [] as most Windows 8 users still use a mouse and keyboard. [] Microsoft is also testing an Enterprise Mode for IE (EMIE) for IE11, enabling Enterprise IT to tailor compatibility mode for intranet sites and internal apps built for previous IE versions without losing new features of IE11, [] solving a few of the use-cases that tools such as Browsium attempt to solve. [] These changes are likely to come with Windows 8.1 Update 1, rather than with Windows 9 codenamed "Threshold" []
* Kik, the smartphone messenger app with 120 million users, became the first to embed its own browser into the messenger, [] along with offering a toolkit for Web developers to tailor their sites for Kik [], going beyond the content cards it had previously introduced. []
== Marketing, Press & Public Reaction ==

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