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1,200 bytes added, 16:14, 5 March 2014
planned for this week:
* [] Slide deck for Gen/India community meetup
* [inpro] Write en-US sample style guide to wrap up style guide project.
* Finish lang pack proposal.
* Gather l10n community data for informed discussion in Paris.
* [Awaiting one response] Blog post on revitilized l10n teams.
* Pilot project scope/planning for single-locale Fennec community-based distribution.
* Flesh out Intellego contribution pathways.
* Intellego architecture research and requirements.
* Continue driving Fennec l10n for 29, 30, and 31.
done last week:
*Write en-US sample style guide to wrap up style guide project.* Indic community meetup in April.* French MQM session & planning for next MQM session.* Planning for Paris work week and following Stockholm l10n meetup.* RTL dev testing practices on Android research.* Intellego contribution paths.* Fielding inquiries about Intellego GSoC project.* Fennec l10n follow up.* Planning for LREC and helping Oliver plan 2014 Nordic meetup.* [Awaiting one response] Blog post on revitilized l10n teams.* [scrapped due to prioritization of lang switching] Pilot project scope/planning for single-locale Fennec community-based distribution.* Outreach to L10n SIG members about helping l10n teams to launch their new first localizations.
=== Matjaž ===
Accountapprovers, canmove, confirm

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